Callaway 200 Bicentennial Planning Committee

The Callaway County Commissioners, in consultation with the Historical Society, asked the Callaway Chamber of Commerce to establish an ad hoc committee of people from around the county to plan a celebration of the county’s bicentennial. The committee is co-chaired by John Bell and Susan Krumm.

Callaway 200 committee members represent major employers or government entities (e.g. William Woods University, The Callaway Bank, Callaway County, the Cities of Fulton and Holts Summit). The Callaway Chamber of Commerce and Callaway Tourism Office are both represented, as is the Kingdom of Callaway Historical Society. A community liaison committee facilitates communication between the Callaway 200 committee and villages, towns and cities throughout the county.  

The committee has been meeting monthly since January, 2018. Structurally, the Committee falls under the umbrella of the Callaway Community Betterment Association. This is likely the county’s most extensive effort to coordinate and promote multiple community events and activities under one umbrella. The county commemoration will segue into the Missouri Bicentennial in 2021.

Members List

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